Wix Statistics [2022 Trends, Revenue, Market Share and More]

Written by: Muninder

Updated: October, 3, 2020

Let’s dig in deep into Wix statistics to see how the pioneer of the website makers world is fairing against the competitors, how it is growing, what percentage of market share it holds, and more!

Before going into details, here are :

Some fascinating stats and facts about Wix

  • Wix in 2022 reached to 200 million users.
  • Wix estimates they will make 14 billion in revenue in next 10 years.
  • Wix employees over 5000 people in 2022
  • Wix is used by 1.9% of websites in the World in 2022
  • Wix has over 800+ designer made templates
  • 45000 people signup on Wix everyday
  • In 2019 New York City created more Wix sites while San Jose has highest per-capita of Wix site creation in the USA
  • 86% of sites created on Wix are multi-page websites
  • Art and Design enthusiasts are biggest Wix consumers

Wix History And Growth Over Time

  • Some basic historic stats about this global website building SAAS platform
  1. Started in 2006 in Israel
  2. Present CEO : Avishai Abrahami
  3. By 2009 – Reached 1 million users
  4. By 2010 – Reached 3.5 million users, Raised 10 million USD
  5. By 2011 – Reached 8.5 million users, raised 40 million USD
  6. In 2012 – Wix launched App Store
  7. By Aug 2013 – Reached 34 million users.
  8. In Nov 2013 – Wix web public – Raised 127 million USD
  9. By 2014 – Reached 50 million usrs
  10. Launched Wix ADI in 2016
  11. By 2019 – Reached 150 million users
  12. By 2021 – Reached 200 million users
  • Wix supports in 180 languages.

Wix’s multi-lingual support allows you to launch a Wix website in 180 languages in 190 countries.
The Wix dashboard (editor and ADI) supports UTF 8 encoding which allows you to basically edit content in languages like Chinese, Hindi, Arabic, Thai, Greek, Hebrew, and more.
When it comes to supporting, Wix offers phone support in English, French, German, Hebrew, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish. (Wix)

  • Wix now have over 5000 employees

With offices in India, the USA, Israel, Lithuania, Germany, Ukraine, Brazil, Ireland, Canada, Japan, the UK, and Singapore, Wix now has over 5000 employees.

  • Wix workforce grew by 50% from 3071 in 2019 to 4628 in 2021

Although we see the company has offices in 4 continents from the previous stat, Wix hires mostly in Israel. In 2021, out of 4628 total employees, 3934 were from Israel.

  • On August 2021, Wix launched NO-CODE app builder – Branded App by Wix.

The 200 million subscribers website builder also started targeting the app development market. They charge $200 per month for this service. Additionally, to take the app on AppStore costs $99 per year, and for Google Play Store $25 one-time fee.

  • Since March 2021 local businesses can access GMB data directly on the Wix dashboard.

In March 2021, GMB and Wix entered into a partnership where GMB is directly integrated into the Wix dashboard. Local business owners can now do the following things from Wix:

  • update their business details,
  • working hours, phone numbers,
  • update photos and create new posts, and
  • respond to user reviews and questions .

Wix Usage Statistics

  • Wix is used in 190 different countries.

Wix is not available in Iran, North Korea, Syria, Cuba, and Crimea in Ukraine has no access to Wix due to OFAC restrictions. (WebsiteBulider.org)

  • Wix has over 200 million users around the world in 2022. 

Wix provides a world-class platform for millions of users, empowering everyone to express themselves and build their online presence. 45k new users are added to Wix Customers base every day. (Wix)

  • How many paid subscribers does Wix have?

By the end of 2020, Wix subscriptions that pay reached 5.5 million. This accounts for less than 3% of the registered users of Wix. (Reuters)

  • A majority of 82% of the Wix users stick to them for over a year. 

The tools of Wix are very powerful. 82% of the Wix customers saw improvements in their ranking after using it. (Wix)

Wix Market Share And Acquisitions

  • Wix is used by 1.9% of all the websites in the world in 2022.

Wix is used by 2.9% of the websites whose content management system is known. Wix is used by 0.9% of the websites whose content management is known and rank in the top 1,000,000. (w3techs)

  • How many websites use Wix?

According to BuiltWith data, over 7 million live websites are using Wix globally. A similar tool W3Tech says, in 2022, 1.9% of websites on the web are using Wix.

  • How many stores are built on Wix?

1.6 million Wix websites are using Wix Stores according to the data curated by BuiltWith trends. (Bulitwith)

When they acquired DeviantArt is 40 million users and 324 million art pieces RICH. DeviantArt still functions as an Independent online art gallery and community for artists.

  • Wix’s share was worth around $138.70 in January 2022.

Wix went public in late 2013 and the share worth was $17.30. It went up to $353 in Feb 2021. However, it is now in 2022 at $138.70. In 2021 3rd quarter, Wix saw a conservative 26.38% growth rate. No wonder stock prices plummeted from the highs of Feb 2021. (NASDAQ)

  • From Sep, 2020 – Sep, 2021, Wix revenue increased by 34.37% YoY to reach $1.224 billion.

Wix has made $604 million in 2018, 761 million in 2019, and 989 million in revenue in 2020. (macrotrends)

  • Wix in 2021 projected $14 billion in revenue in the following 10 years.

Based on the number of existing customers and the COVID restrictions pushing more small businesses online, Wix made this optimistic state in 2021 May.(Reuters)

Wix Usage Statistics

  • 26% of wix’s traffic comes from searches.

More than 1/4th of the traffic that wix.com receives comes from search engines. Around 80% of all the search engine accesses are organic traffic. (SimilarTech)

  • In the last 6 months, Wix.com has had 55.33 million visits.

Wix.com is the most popular site that utilizes its website building technology. The site’s average visit lasts for 8 minutes 24 seconds with 8.82 pages seen per visit. (SimilarWeb)

  • 105,199 of Wix websites are based in the US.

The US appears to be the lucrative market for the Israeli company with 25.44% of all paid Wix websites are in the US. (SimilarTech)

  • 44,000 Wix apps are installed every day.

The app feature required for most businesses is live chat. 71% of the customers prefer live chat. Premium versions of the Wix website app can cost as low as $3.75. (Wix)

Wix Popularity And Comparisions With Other Platforms

  • Wix’s popularity grew by more than 220% in the recent times.

In 2020, Wix’s market share threshold reached 1.3%. Wix’s market share was 1% in 2019. (Adamenfroy)

  • Wix is typed into Google for around 6.8 million times.

According to Ahrefs, Wix is typed into Google more than twice as much as Shopify.

  • 6.4 million websites study from Ahrefs proves Wix is not as good as WordPress.com for SEO.

Ahrefs conducted a study on 3.2 million websites on both platforms. They found out 46.1% of WordPress sites got some organic traffic while only 1.4% of Wix sites got some organic traffic. However, John Mueller from Google while responding to a question on Reddit, explains, how Wix is now OKAY in terms of SEO.

  • Wix outperforms WordPress and SquareSpace in HttpArchive core web vitals report.

Although it was bad in 2020 compared to WordPress, Wix changed things from April 2021. Starting then, the number of Wix sites that have better CVW increased substantially.

Wix Tech Stack Updates

  • Wix was first built on Adobe Flash Technology in 2008
  • Replaced it with HTML 5 in 2012
  • Wix recently started using React native.


Fun Fact 1: Wix announced $50k price money for SEO’s who can outrank them for the term “SEO Hero”.

Fun Fact 2: Wix in 2020 December sent Bose Noise Cancelling headphones to a few tech influencers. They also send this video along with the gift to point out a few problems with WordPress.
