→ SaaS Growth Through Content

—— Acquire Paying Customers with Content Strategy, Planning and SEO ——

Organic backlinks can make your website powerful ranking machine. But how well you leverage that power to generate leads, sales and branding depends on the effectiveness of your content strategy.

Content strategy in the midst of AI and HCU chaos is not just filtering out low Difficulty Keywords with Enough Volume on Ahrefs.

Its all about understand your customer and finding out what TICKS them to hit SUBCSCRIBE.

My SaaS Content Strategy Service starts with FINDING out

  • 1. Finding out the TYPES of Potential Buyers of Your Service — By Use Case, Awareness, Long or Short Term, Present vs Future Users, Experienced vs Emerging Users.
  • 2. The type of conent your targetd user base might need and their evolving needs
  • 3. Building funnels to reach new audience bases, converting them to target user, convincing them that your service is better, retaining them.
Book A Free 30 Min Content Strategy Consultation Call

→ Articles and Resources

—— SEO, CRO, & CopyWriting Case Studies, Examples, Tips & Tricks ——

Every day, I discover which strategies and tech tweaks drive positive results and revenue in marketing , SEO, content planning, copywriting, conversions, usability, link building, social media, and audits for SaaS and B2B businesses.

I share those, tips, tricks and nuggets of knowledge mostly, and from time to time detailed case studies, and practical examples to help you achieve better conversions and optimize your digital marketing efforts.

Here are the most recent ones: