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How To Recall An Email After 1 Hour?

Written by: Muninder

Updated: January, 3, 2022

Did you send a wrong email?Do you want to un send the email that message before the recipient open it up? Here is a guide to help you do that process with two of the most popular email clients:

  • Gmail
  • Outlook
Note: This works if the recipient did not open the email. This is the reason why I wrote the title of this post as How To Recall A Sent Email In 1 HOUR.

Let’s just see how to recall an email in Outlook or Outlook 365 first.

How To Recall An Email In Outlook

The process of undoing an already sent message in outlook is called RECALLING.

So how to do that recalling?

Step 1 > Go to the sent folder

Step 2 > Open the email you sent

Step 3 > As you see below, click on More Move Actions option

Step 4 > Click on Recall This Message and choose any of the following options

As you can see Outlook can inform you if the RECALL is a success or not.

How to Recall Email In Gmail After 1 Hour?

Step 1 > On the top-right corner of your gmail account you can see settings button. CLICK on it to open it.

Step 2 > Inside settings, go to Labs tab

Step 3 > Search for UNDO SEND option on the Labs tab

Step 4 > Enable the option and save the changesThis gives you an option to undo a message or mail after its sent.

For instance Gmail with give you a pop up like this

All you have to do is click on Undo to unsound the email you already sent.
