How Many Cryptocurrencies Exist Today

Written by: Muninder

Updated: November, 19, 2020

2020 is the year of the coronavirus, with almost all financial markets jumping in all directions. More and more people are looking for alternatives to their savings accounts and are quickly turning to stocks, cryptocurrency, or index funds.

The first cryptocurrency came in 2009 and since then hundreds of cryptos have been appearing until reaching a surprising number.

How many cryptocurrencies exist today? Place your bets!

There is a huge universe to urge beyond the famous cryptocurrency of all, bitcoin. New cryptocurrencies are created a day and enormous amounts of cash are handled day by day during this sector.

Beyond that, the world of cryptocurrencies has expanded dramatically since bitcoin was launched over a decade ago, and thus subsequent great digital token could even be released tomorrow, for all anyone in the crypto community knows

Bitcoin continues to steer the pack of cryptocurrencies, in terms of market capitalization, user base, and recognition.

Is it even possible to know?

You could leave there and make your own cryptocurrency today. It wouldn’t be listed on Coinmarketcap or any other ranking site. It wouldn’t be logged, but it would exist. There are likely tens of thousands of unknown cryptocurrencies out there within the world.

At the moment of writing (NOV 2020) there are 7701 different cryptocurrencies listed on CoinMarketCap. But this number will change as time goes on.

Some important cryptocurrencies are:

  1. Bitcoin(BTC)
  1. Ripple(XRP)
  1. Litecoin(LTC)
  1. Ethereum(ETH)
  1. Chainlink(LINK)
  1. Binance coin (BNB)
  1. Stellar(XLM)
  1. NEM(NEM)
  1. Tron (TRX)
  1. Basic extension token (BAT)

Top 5 cryptocurrencies in the list.


Bitcoin is a digital currency created in January 2009. Cryptocurrencies and smart crypto investments all start with Bitcoin.

The main goal of Bitcoin is to become global, peer-to-peer, digital cash, which is detached from any sort of regulation and thus fully decentralized.

Bitcoins can’t be printed, and limited to 21 million Bitcoins.

Bitcoin continues to dominate the market even during times of market uncertainty. Over the years, Bitcoin has shown a volatile yet consistent growth.

Bitcoin has hit $18,000 for the primary time in almost three years.

Bitcoin price : $18,000


The first thing to understand is that Ripple is both a platform and a currency. The Ripple platform is an open-source protocol that’s designed to permit fast and cheap transactions.

Unlike Bitcoin Ripple was never an easy payment machine, Ripple is certainly ruling all international transactions worldwide.

RippleNet is easier to run a high-performance payments business.

With the foremost advanced blockchain technology for global payments, financial institutions are ready to expand into new markets around the world and even eliminate pre-funding by leveraging the facility of XRP through RippleNet’s On-Demand Liquidity service.

Ripple price: $ 0.30

Lite coin(LTC)

Lіtесоіn (LTC оr Ł [1]) may be a рееr-tо-рееr сrурtосurrеnсу аnd open ѕоurсе software project released under MIT/X11 lісеnѕеѕ. Crеаtіоn аnd transfer of соіnѕ іѕ bаѕеd on an ореn source сrурtоgrарhіс рrоtосоl and іѕ nоt mаnаgеd bу аnу сеntrаl authority.

Litecoin is that the third-largest cryptocurrency after bitcoin and XRP. Litecoin, like its contemporaries, functions in one sense as a web payment system.

Like PayPal, Litecoin can transfer currency to at least one another. But rather than using U.S. dollars, Litecoin conducts transactions in units of Litecoin.

Lite coin: $ 80


Ethereum may be a public, open-source, Blockchain-based distributed software platform that permits developers to create and deploy decentralized applications.

Ethereum may be a decentralized system, which suggests it’s not controlled by any single governing entity. An majority of online services, businesses, and enterprises are built on a centralized system of governance.

tons of experts agree that it’s a disruptive technology that’s set to not only completely change the way the web works but also revolutionize services and industries that are existing for many years.

Ethereum price: $475


Chainlink may be a cryptocurrency getting to incentivize a worldwide network of computers to supply reliable, real-world data to smart contracts running on top of blockchains.

ChainLink may be a decentralized oracle network that gives real-world data to smart contracts on the blockchain. LINK is that the digital asset token wont to buy services on the network.

Chainlink has data providers called oracles which act as bridges between external data sources and blockchain smart contracts.

ChainLink: $14

How many people own cryptocurrencies.

Based on Finder’s survey of 2,068 Americans, 36.5 million people within the us own some sort of crypto so far .

According to the survey, the typical amount out of the totally owned crypto by Americans accounts for $5,447. However, nearly 3/4th of respondents have less than the median amount. And cryptocurrency owned by U.S. people stands at $360.

More than 50% of American crypto holders are considered as “crypto polygamists” as 55.4% of Bitcoin (BTC) owners also own another sort of cryptocurrency.

Almost like other surveys, Finder’s survey says that men own crypto at nearly twice the speed of ladies, with 19% of men surveyed claiming they hold some sort of crypto versus just 10% of ladies.


How many people trade cryptocurrencies.

The last report published by the Cambridge Centre for Alternative Finance concluded that there have been more crypto traders than ever, with quite 35 out of 139 million cryptocurrency accounts ID-verified users,

We estimate that our benchmarking study captures about 90% of the global economic activity in the crypto-asset industry segments traded in the 8 main Exchange platforms studied in this report. Plus, Coqonut’s Data point out that crypto traders have about 1.1 active accounts each. So we estimate the total of active crypto traders to be between 51.2 and 52.4 million.

Now that cryptos are once again an intriguing investment vehicle, exchanges are experiencing a deluge of activity. Daily trading volumes have exceeded $70 billion, up from just $18 billion at the start of the year.


How many cryptocurrencies are on Coinbase?

Coinbase provides market information and descriptions for 50 cryptocurrencies, determined by the current market cap. A small subset of those assets is available to trade on Coinbase.

Cryptocurrencies not available for trade on Coinbase are viewable by Coinbase customers for the purpose of education. Coinbase customers can view a description, market cap, historic trading data, and links to relevant websites.  

You can have major cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin(BTC), Bitcoin Cash(BCH), Litecoin(LTC), Ethereum(ETH), Ethereum Classic (ETC), etc on coinbase. 

