Auto-Reconnect your disconnected Internet connection using ReConnect

Written by: Muninder

Updated: July, 29, 2010

Many a time Internet users face this irritating problem of disconnected net while downloading specially applicable to Broadband users like me who keep their downloads on and off the monitor & go away.
But we fail to get an update whether our connection is intact or its disconnected due to some server/LAN Problems. Though, the default Dial-up software in windows provides an option to reconnect but I feel that doesn’t do the job properly sometimes.
So we need a dedicated software to make the work simpler. ReConnect does that job pretty well.

Internet cable
Internet cable

[Image Credit]

The amazing part of this software is that, it is only 200 kb approximately and its portable, so no nonsense installation needed. But it provides almost all the features you need from such a small weighed app.


ReConnect – Features

  • Gives the user the ability to choose which connect he/she wants to Auto-Reconnect
  • Startup settings to enable it to start with windows & Auto-Connect
  • Scheduler along with options to choose between Disconnecting the connection & shutting down the pc.
  • Session Logs to log important events taking place in a .txt file
  • Auto-Reconnect settings (Duration & Retry attempts)
ReConnect Settings
ReConnect Settings

Do try this handy app and share your views in the comments section!
