Hotmail users Complain about Empty Inboxes and Folders

Written by: Muninder

Updated: January, 2, 2011

Microsoft is right into trouble at the start of a New Year. Today morning some Hotmail users have reported Empty Inboxes in their respective Hotmail accounts. They have complained to Microsoft about the Emails being deleted from their Inboxes without their knowledge. Moreover some users have also reported Empty Folders in their Hotmail account.
Some users have also reported that majority of their Emails have been moved from their Inbox to the deleted Emails Folder. Now, the Hotmail users are seriously annoyed by this since many of them have stored pretty important Emails in the Folders Section of Hotmail. After I heard this news, I quickly checked my account (though I never user my Hotmail account) & found that everything was fine with my account.
Microsoft is conducting an enquiry to find what’s the root cause of this problem. Though it’s still unknown whether the problem is from Microsoft’s side or is there a hackers hand behind all this. If the problem is from the Email Client’s side; then Microsoft is seriously in trouble. They would need to restore the deleted Emails in any case else it’ll create a privacy issue among those users who experienced this problem.
Such issues could also prevent new users from joining Hotmail or even stimulate existing users to move to a better Email Client like GMail / Yahoo! Mail.
Do you use Hotmail on a regular basis ??
