How to Select All Friends on Facebook & Invite them to a Facebook Page

Written by: Muninder

Updated: July, 21, 2022

A while back, Facebook had natively supported the Select All Friends on Facebook option, later, it was discontinued as many page owners abused its use by inviting people on their friend list every now and then.

Its enormous user base and activity cannot be neglected even when some of the less-ardent Facebook users are unhappy about the new changes in Facebook.

But what if your friend list consists of a large number of people and you want to introduce (sounds better than ‘like’) your new Facebook page to your friends.

Another case could be that you are one of those early Facebook users who had created a page but at that point of time, there were hardly any people in your friend list to whom you could introduce your page. But now you have many friends and want to invite each one of them to your page.

So the solution to your problem is to either popularize your business/site/blog or to select all friends on Facebook and invite them to your brand’s Facebook page. The latter is invariably a popular Social Media strategy. This post is for those people who wish to choose the second option.

Select All Friends on Facebook
Automatically selected friends after the code, is executed

Facebook does offer the option to Invite friends to your page. But the key feature in the selecting process i.e. the Select All Friends function, is what is missing.

Now, if you choose to Select all your friends manually, then proceed ahead, but in the end, don’t repent on seeing (in fact feeling) the condition of your index finger.

Select All Friends on Facebook Tutorial and Code

Let’s look at the steps involved in Selecting all friends and inviting them to your Facebook page.

  1.  Go to your Facebook Page (Obvious, isn’t it ?). Click on the ‘Invite Friends‘ link located on the right sidebar of your page.
  2. Now you’ll see a small box that says Suggest your page to friends. Below that, you’ll find a button dropdown that, by default, highlights Recent Interactions. Click on that button and change it to Search All Friends.
  3. Paste this Javascript code in your browser’s(*) address bar javascript:elms=document.getElementsByName("checkableitems[]");for (i=0;i<elms.length;i++){if (elms[i].type="checkbox" )elms[i].click()};
  4. All those people whom you haven’t invited yet will be selected automatically. Now, you just have to hit the Submit button.
  5. After that, you’ll see a similar confirmation box on your screen.
Confirmation after Select All code works
Confirmation Box appears after you hit the submit button

* If you are using Chrome or browsers which use WebKit as their main engine, then javascript: will be automatically scrapped even if you directly Copy-paste the above code. In such a case, just add javascript: at the start.

Note: This code works perfectly on Chrome 21; as of 23rd August 2012. The post will be checked and updated on a monthly basis if there is any change in the Select all friends code.
Notify any error or difficulty you face when attempting this trick in the Comments section specifically.
