Twitter is working on restoring Twitter Lists & Twitter Counts

Written by: Muninder

Updated: August, 19, 2010

Last week we posted about the addition of Follows in common & Followed by my follows to Twitter. Today when I checked my Twitter handle, I found something weird happening. Thought it was some code errors on the part of Twitter. But then realized that wasn’t the case. I Checked in Chrome,Firefox & even on the big old IE but still the profile page looked same on all the three browsers.
To make sure that there is no cache problem I used a proxy to find this out. Got the same thing even there.
Maybe they are undergoing some problems with the Lists feature which was very helpful for keeping a track of what others where saying on their Timeline. If you didn’t know HowTo use Twitter in the right way (the optimized way) then carry on to the link below & enhance your twitter experience.
–> Top 10 tips to enhance your Social Media Experience
To collect important updates from famous companies,products,etc. If I go on, I would even write a page or two about Twitter Lists.
But we can still access the lists provided you know your list-name & the url format which Twitter uses for accessing lists. Here are a couple of my lists which I remember & I’m able to access them.

At least I couldn’t guess why the hell they scrapped lists.


We have got an Update from Bil Simser that they have officially mentioned it in their Support Handle, that they are resolving this as well as the tweet counts issue.
I have made necessary changes to this post as well corrected the URL. Sorry for the trouble & wrong information being passed on.
If anyone from among you could guess the reason for this sudden removal of Lists, then share your views with us.
