3 Effective Ways to Promote your Posts

Written by: Muninder

Updated: March, 1, 2011

We have talked about Writing Quality Posts to achieve success in Blogging. But even after Producing Quality Content, you may still face the situation wherein your posts get only 20 or 30 Unique Visits.
Now a Question would be surfacing in your mind i.e. Why ? Content is the King, still no Success ?? The answer to this is pretty simple. Just producing quality content doesn’t mean your posts reach everyone. To overcome this problem you need to Promote your Posts.
Because of such a shortfall in traffic, bloggers get depressed & start to feel that they can’t mould themselves into Successful Bloggers. But a person who is quite passionate about Blogging will never give up. Instead that person would try some changes to Promote his/her blog posts.
So today I’m giving out some tips with which you can Effectively Promote your Posts.

1. Build A Strong Social Media Base

Strong Social Media Base
If you have a Strong Social Media Base – Mainly Twitter & Facebook; then you don’t need to worry about this aspect. If you are a newbie then you need to work hard to build a Strong Social Media Base first.
I wouldn’t term it easy, but if you have patience and show some consistency then you can surely build a strong base. Try to setup Automatic posts Submissions using your Blog’s RSS Feeds in any of these 5 Social Media Apps.

2. Comment on CommentLuv Blogs

Quality Comment with Backlink
CommentLuv has become so popular these days. Many blogs have started using it for maybe driving more comments, giving the Commentators their reward in the form of a back link.
The second part is what you need to focus on. Comment on such blogs and get a link back. But one thing you need to make sure when commenting on blogs is that you should post a Genuine comment. Don’t just comment for the sake of a back link.

Link Sharing Events
If you want to promote your latest post, then the best way is to participate in Link Sharing Events. My friend Nile Flores from Blondish.net hosts the #SharingSundays event every Sunday. During this event one can share his/her blog’s latest post on Nile’s Fan Page. Look at the above image to know how one should make an entry into such events.
That’s it! I’ve just mentioned the vital points for promoting your posts.
Would you like to add some more points besides the above three ? Do you think Social Media is becoming a very important aspect of Blogging these days ?
