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Is Google celebrating its 12th Birthday today ?

Written by: Muninder

Updated: September, 27, 2010

Well the answer to the question maybe YES. Because if you visit Google (US Version/Indian version) you would probably see a logo which consists of a Google logo pasted over the cake. To be utterly frank the art form is not that good. But credits to Wayne Thiebaud for this image. With a little research I got to know that Wayne Thiebaud is an American painter. He has a mastery over cakes, pasteries, boots, toilets, toys & lipsticks.

It seems odd that Google has put an image painted by a renowned painter. I respect the painter, but Google having such wide deal of resources in terms of logo designing, has preferred to go for a painted image. See the new doodle below.
google-birthday-logo Around the start of this month, we saw google experimenting with some animated doodles. Like the google html5 doodle, which we thought; was put up to mark Google’s 12th Anniversary. But with this new logo of a Google logo printed on a cake with the l replaced with a candle, it seems that Google is celebrating it’s 12th Birthday today.
I wonder Google is gonna capture this whole month to mark it’s anniversary on different dates. As it is we don’t seem to get a clue of Google’s Birthday. For more Google updates Subscribe to our Daily Updates/RSS Feeds.
Do you seriously believe it’s Google’s birthday today ? Also, did you like the logo ??
