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SEO will remain unaffected by Google Instant’s Keyword suggestions

Written by: Muninder

Updated: September, 14, 2010

Last week, Google was celebrating its birthday. So one by one it was unveiling new things on itself. Started by the google html5 doodle, which was followed by Google Instant; though it left us something to discuss upon. Mainly the SEO factor. You must have seen that the Google Instant feature automatically suggests Keywords which may not be the term you are searching for. I’ve faced this issue with DailyBlogging itself.

As we all know dailyblogtips is a popular blog & it has a popular keyword in its own domain name (‘daily blog tips’). When I typed Daily Blogging; the Autocomplete feature showed the results for ‘daily blogging tips’ relating to dailyblogtips.com. Check the image below.
No doubt, one can easily turn off the Keyword AutoComplete feature using the Preferences tab. But for people who prefer using the new feature which facilitates faster surfing, had a small doubt whether it would affect their site’s SEO or not ?

Now you can clear your doubts; as Alden DeSoto – a member of Google’s Analytics Team has officially clarified that the Autocomplete feature in Google Instant won’t be affecting the SEO of your site.
So this ultimately means that you don’t need to additionally put in your efforts to trick your site/blogs keyword to appear as Autocomplete. Remember, it all depends on the popularity factor (here: the no. of times that particular term has been queried) of a keyword to appear in Autocomplete.
Did you think about doing a separate keyword research after Google Instant was live with the Autocomplete feature ?
