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Top 5 ways to find SEO Jobs

Written by: Muninder

Updated: August, 20, 2010

Well these days SEO field has a lot of opportunists & growing day by day. It maybe a sector which is not known to many but needed by many to help promote their site,products,etc.
People don’t know what is SEO (Search Engine Optimization) but need it badly. That’s the current situation. If you are one of them, then checkout the link below,

So if you are the one who is badly searching for opportunities to show his SEO skills, then this is the right place for you.

SEO-jobs[Image Credit]

1. Blog

Blogging is another way to self promote your skills. You can either start your own site (blog) or you can go with wordpress & blogger for the start & switch to a self hosted one later. Even Guest Posting can help you greatly. But you need to smart enough even in that.
Writing quality Guest posts/blog posts will make your readers build a trust upon you. If this happens then they may even ping you for a basic SEO for their site.

2. Social Media

Social Media is important everywhere. Whether you need a job,you’re a blogger & want to achieve success or whatever! It does play it’s role in helping people connect with each other.

social-media-pillow-set [Image Credit]

If you have built up a good Social Media base on Twitter & Facebook, then you can expect offers coming to you right away. Though a strong Social base isn’t limited to Twitter & Facebook alone.
Even if you have a good amount of friends in other social sites then no one can stop you from getting full-time/part-time job offers.
Read : Top 10 tips to enhance your Social Media Experience

3. Article Directories

Make use of plenty of Article Directories to the fullest. Try out famous one’s like EzineArticles, Squidoo, etc. This point may sound similar to the first one (Blogs) but there is a difference. Such directories have a good amount of visitors.
So you just need to focus on the quality & people will be attracted towards it automatically.

4. Convincing companies/agencies to hire you

Many times, big companies which are world-famous in the offline market fail to reciprocate the same success when it comes to the online world. Whereas their smart competitors rule the online world.
The former companies may not be knowing about SEO or they may be lacking in finding the proper person to do that job.

social-media-expert[Image Credit]

But this could be your opportunity to try and convince them that, you are the right person to turn the tables & gain them some profits. If you have the skills to convince them, then you could be sure to return with a heavier pocket.

5. Try out Job Boards

This is an old but an effective method. The only disadvantage being that, all companies wouldn’t want to have a place in the Online market. Either they are reluctant or they are lazy to learn some Internet Marketing techniques.
This is easier as compared to all the above methods. You don’t need to convince anybody so hard or work on your articles & try to impress people or spend some days in building a quality Social Media base.
Do you any other methods except the one’s I have mentioned; which you’ve tried or the one’s which definitely needs to be tried out?
