An Overview of the New Facebook Messages

Written by: Muninder

Updated: January, 15, 2011

It’s been a couple of months since Facebook gave us the Invite to it’s New Message system. A month later the Social Media giant introduced the new Facebook Profile Pages. And now this month finally they have unveiled the new Messages System. Today they have given access to the new Messages System to most of Facebook users. Maybe the left over users will also get to see the new Messages Inbox within a week or two. To be frank enough, I don’t see the new Message system to be as mind-blowing as it was expected to be.
With the hype around the new Message System, it was sounding as if there will be a certain revolution in messaging & conversing between people. So lets take a look at what the new Facebook Messaging System has to offer.
Read :-

E-Mail System
The new Messaging System includes a separate Email System by which you can perform all the tasks which you normally do in GMail. Thank God that Facebook hasn’t placed lot of options like we have in GMail, else it would be another competition for Google. It has placed some important functions like Quick Reply.
Before when we used to press enter the message used to be sent directly. That’s because Quick Reply was enabled by Default. Now they have provided a Separate option to Enable/Disable Quick Reply.
Other Messages
Yes, that’s what Facebook Calls for SPAM Messages. Group Messages directly go into the Other Messages Folder. When you join plenty of groups which sents Messages to you on every event; it’s pretty irritating. Before we had the only option to delete such messages. But now it’s not a big problem as we don’t have to look into such messages.
Send Messages as a Text Message
The new Messages System allows us to Compose Messages & to text those Messages provided your friends have added their phone Numbers in their profiles/phonebook. So it will help to message your friends quicker & free of charge.
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Do you think this new Message System is really Promising enough as it should’ve been ??
