5 Tips to Increase Alexa Rank of your Blog

Written by: Muninder

Updated: July, 4, 2011

If you read a list of questions that bloggers ask the most, then you’ll always find a question which asks – “How to increase Alexa rank of my blog ?”. Well known bloggers who started blogging in the mid 2000s never worried about their blog’s Alexa Rank. But today, most bloggers are quite worried about their Alexa ranks. If you ask me, I would say it is important as well as unimportant.

  • Important because Alexa Rank is the tool which most advertisers use to measure a blog’s traffic and popularity.
  • Unimportant because Alexa doesn’t show accurate stats. So why to spend a fair share of your precious time in something which will hardly do any good for your blog.

So by now you must’ve got a fair idea of what Alexa rank is and whether it is important or unimportant for your blog. Now it’s up to you to decide whether you want to seriously Increase Alexa Rank of your blog or not. I would suggest that you follow the below mentioned techniques with the intension of increasing your blog traffic rather than increasing your Alexa rank.
I suggest that because these techniques not only increase your blog’s Alexa rank but also help in increasing your blog traffic. So ultimately you increase your blog traffic as well as make it more popular around the blogosphere.

Alexa Rank
Increase Alexa Rank

1. Focus on Increasing Blog Traffic

As I said previously, increasing blog traffic will automatically increase your blog’s Alexa rank. So if you produce quality content, promote your posts well then your Alexa rank is bound to increase. Yes I know you’ll argue that you’ve seen many blogs which have a good amount of traffic but their Alexa rank is far away from what it should be. I would have to agree with your argument as I’ve also come across plenty of such blogs.
But while inspecting such blogs, I have found that those bloggers simply don’t do enough to make their blog popular. Alexa looks for popularity and buzz a site or blog creates rather than actually the blog traffic. So don’t think that by getting thousands of unique visits/day you would get a decent Alexa rank to show to your fellow bloggers.

2. Take up Blog Commenting

Now I know this technique or tip is widely known. But what many bloggers don’t know is the answer to these three questions. So let me answer them individually.

  • Choosing the right Blog to Comment on – Many Bloggers go wrong here itself. Choosing the right blog is the very first step of effective blog commenting. To increase Alexa rank you need to choose High PR blogs, CommentLuv Enabled Blogs, KeywordLuv enabled blogs and the one’s which have the Top Commentators Widget or other linking benefits. So target such blogs which offer benefits to us, commentators.
  • Is it necessary to just randomly comment on other blogs without even reading a blog post – I would never ever suggest anyone to comment on blogs without even knowing the content fully. Make it a point to read the entire blog post or at least the important points before commenting. As I said earlier, don’t go with the intension of increasing your Alexa rank. You’ll end up as a spammer and it will certainly decrease your reputation as a blogger.
  • How much time should I devote towards Blog Commenting – I would suggest you to devote the minimum amount of time when it comes to blog commenting. Reduce your playing or other free time activities and put that extra time in blog commenting. I usually spend about 10-15 minutes on an average for reading and commenting on some good blogs that I regularly follow.

I hope you got some tips here as well with regards to Blog Commenting.

3. Increase your Blog’s Social Media presence

Alexa rank takes into consideration the buzz around a site. So if you don’t promote blog posts well enough in Social Media’s like Twitter, Facebook and most recently Google+ then you shouldn’t be expecting a good Alexa ranking for your blog.
The simple logic of Alexa ranking system is to measure the noise a site or blog makes anywhere in the Internet. You also need to take care that you don’t spam your timeline. So promote your blog posts effectively with the use of scheduling apps like Buffer, Timely.is and others.
Increasing your Social Media presence also includes creating separate handles for your blog posts and creating a Facebook fan page for your blog. Sometimes what happens is, you promote your posts with the help of scheduling apps but you don’t manually tweet non-links in between.
So when a person see’s your last 5 tweets he/she will find only your blog posts which will make that user unfollow you or prevent them from following you.

Some Facebook Tips :-

4. Submit to High PR/DoFollow Blogging Community Sites

I have already made a list of good and High PR DoFollow Blogging Community Sites which includes Blog Engage, Indiblogger, Blokube, MMOSocialNetwork and BizSugar. I prefer submitting to most of these sites as submitting a blog post to each and every Blogging Community is not easy and pretty much time consuming.
So always select blogging communities where you find activity in the form of Vote ups or comments. Make sure that you also vote up or comment on other’s entries. Use these blogging community sites smartly and see a drastic change in your blog’s Alexa rank.

5. Use Alexa Toolbar, Widget ?

Notice that I’ve put a question mark at the end of the heading. That’s because even I’m unsure whether an Alexa Widget helps in getting your blog higher Alexa rankings. But yes, I have noticed that an Alexa toolbar does help in increasing Alexa rank.
So always install an Alexa toolbar in your Firefox Browser or make use of Alexa Traffic Rank extension for Chrome.
Don’t be in the dilemma that only by choosing and implementing any one of the above 5 techniques can help in increasing the Alexa ranking of your blog. Believe me it won’t help unless you follow or implement all the above 5 techniques in place.
I would again insist on saying that first put in every effort to increase your blog traffic and eventually you will see an increase in the Alexa rank too.
So I hope these 5 techniques or tips would help you all in increasing your blog’s Alexa rank.
Do you know any other technique to increase Alexa rank ?
