Category: Social Media

31 Best Pinterest Statistics in 2020

Posted On: September 10th, 2020
In Pinterest, how many of yours are in 200 billion pins?  Pinterest is far from being just a social network based on images.  Pinterest offers your business a unique opportunity to showcase what your products or services can do. You…

60+ Mind-Blowing Video Marketing Statistics in 2020

Posted On: August 9th, 2020
“Video is Now” In 2020, video is one of the most effective elements in digital marketing strategy.  Videos when used correctly, promotes your product, entertain an extended network, educate your customers, and helps you tap into new audiences.  Here we…

Facebook Officially Checks-Out Gowalla

Posted On: March 12th, 2012
Facebook has closed down the location-sharing app Gowalla. Facebook had acquired Gowalla some 3 months ago to use their service and implement it effectively in the new timeline. If you head on to now; you'll see an official thank…

Discover and Get Twitter’s New Design

Posted On: December 9th, 2011
Earlier today, Twitter held a press conference where-in it revealed it's new building along with the news of it's major redesign. The whole event was nicknamed as Fly Twitter for the obvious reason that Twitter wanted to show-off it's new…