Category: Wordpress

What Percentage Of Websites Use WordPress In 2022?

Posted On: February 5th, 2022
WordPress is the most popular content management system, with 43.3% of websites on the internet using it, according to W3Techs. Amongst content management systems, it holds a staggering 65.3% market share as per the WordPress Statistics at the start of…

How To Bulk Delete All Comments In WordPress

Posted On: October 30th, 2021
There might be multiple reasons why you have thousands of comments on your posts. For one WordPress is the most popular CMS making it a primary target for Spam and other hacking attacks. The other reason is you might have…

3 WordPress Plugins to Run an E-Commerce Site

Posted On: May 13th, 2012
WordPress is often used as a blogging or publishing platform (like we do at DailyBlogging). But we must not forget that WordPress is a Content Management System (CMS) as well. As of today, the WordPress plugin directory has around 19,455…

How to mass Delete Pending Posts in WordPress

Posted On: December 30th, 2011
As we all know WordPress is the best and popular-most option when it comes to writing/publishing posts and more importantly managing a blog efficiently. Very often you'll find blogs opening up to guest posting (like even we have done) in…

What’s New in WordPress 3.3 ‘Sonny’ ?

Posted On: December 13th, 2011
A couple of hours ago WordPress 3.3 was pushed out for a smooth release. It's named as Sonny after the famous jazz saxophonist Sonny Stitt. You can directly update your blog to wp 3.3 from the dashboard or download the entire…

How to Embed a Tweet in your WordPress Post

Posted On: December 11th, 2011
With the New Twitter 2.0 making all the news, a little feature was also introduced along side called Embed Tweets. It didn't attract many eyeballs as it was presented as a byline item and not many popular blogs covered it.…