Applications and Programs to Speed up your Computer

Written by: Sandeep Challa

Updated: April, 23, 2011

This is a Guest Post by Ellagreen, who writes mainly on Softwares and Windows Tweaks. If you would also like to write for us, then go ahead & read the Guidelines at “Become A DailyBlogger” page and start writing.
There are many reasons behind a slow computer. It could be virus or other malicious attacks, it could rather be a low memory configuration (i.e. a low end system). Sometimes when you install too many applications on a single sector of your Hard Disk your PC could become a bit slower than before. All you need is the below softwares for Increasing your PC Speed.

Use Top Antivirus Software

What is an antivirus, anyway? How does it help your computer? Does it really guarantee my computer with a hundred percent (100%) safety?
Antivirus is especially designed software to protect your computer from damaging virus attacks. While enjoying video clips through internet, visiting websites and attending social networking, inserting flash disks, etc., your computer is safe because there is an antivirus that guards and protects your PC’s system from the said viruses. This is really advantageous, indeed.

Antivirus Software
Antivirus's I Recommend!

However, it does not guarantee your computer a total protection no matter how useful they can be. Sometimes, this antivirus software has weaknesses. It can also weaken your computer’s performance. In some other cases also, some people get troubled upon understanding the presentation of prompts and assessment of this antivirus software.
With a simple faulty decision does ruin your computer. This wrong decision eventually leads to security problems. If this had been experienced, then chances may show the way to the creation of a potential avenue of attacks.
I would recommend buying Bit Defender or Kaspersky. They are the best available in the market today when it comes to top antivirus softwares and more importantly a reliable one. AVG Free is a good FREE option, if you don’t want to put your money on the paid one’s.

Specialized Uninstalling Softwares (MAC Applications)

MACkeeper - An Application for Uninstalling MAC programs

This specialized uninstalling software – MACKeeper, removes unneeded and unwanted applications, programs, files, etc leaving no junk behind. This will make your computer clean, protected and attended. Uninstalling MAC applications can free up the space of your hard disk. It also removes safely; the memory taken by those files junked in the recycle bin, thus helps in speeding up your system.
In the case of Windows OS, you can use Uninstalling Softwares like Revo Uninstaller and MyUninstaller.

Tools that make Startup Management Simpler

Here are some tools that will help you in speeding up the start up of your computer. Make sure you install & configure them correctly.

1. Autorun Disabler

This term means “business”. Autoruns have practical features that permit you to hide all cores of window modules to limit your allowing and disallowing intermediary applications. So you should always try and disable Autoruns. For that we have a tiny application called Autorun Disabler, which will do the job for us. [LINK]

2. Startup Delayer

The significance of startup delayer is its capability to holdup and to stagger the initiation of startups applications. This would not let you wait for a couple of hours the launching of many applications at a time. Using this startup delayer, you can then erase and edit entries, and allot a setback time to each entry to stagger the load in your central processing unit (CPU). Download Startup Delayer from this [LINK].

3. CCleaner

This is not actually a startup management tool. Some people use this CCleaner to delete undesirable factors with registry cleaner. It also helps you remove entries in the startup file. [LINK]
Now that you have the above list of applications and programs in speeding up your PC, it is now time for you to choose which among them can be of greater help.
Meanwhile you can check out our post, which will guide you to fix a slow computer. If you liked this post, then you can Subscribe to Our RSS Feeds / Daily Updates.
Do you use the above mentioned techniques/softwares to Speed up your PC/Laptop ?
