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Why CakePHP should be chosen for Developing Web Structures ?

Written by: Sandeep Challa

Updated: August, 14, 2012

CakePHP can be called as the best open source framework for web development because it is instilled with most innovative features which simplifies the web development process.
Along with the advantages of CakePHP, it is also the well accepted fact that having the knowledge of the technical language is not enough for the software professionals.
While working on any platform, it is important that a developer should be an experienced handed person. The experienced handed person can easily bring logic as well as creativity in the process of web development but if the coding part is done by an inexperienced person then bringing the element of quality may become a tough task.
It will most probably lead to messy programming. If the PHP language is worked upon by an experienced person then it will most likely bring desired results but if the same is done by an amateur professional then it may abate the reputation of the company as well.
PHP in the current scenario has been acclaimed as an emerging web development language and with the introduction of various relevant frameworks; more value has been added to it. Prime examples are WordPress & Joomla (CMS – Content Management Systems) which are built on PHP.
These frameworks have made the coding more manageable and easier. Moreover, every PHP web development framework has its own organized features as well as quality but when you compare their functionalities with other relevant frameworks like CakePHP, you will definitely come to know about the core difference amongst them.
Various frame works of PHP language like Agavi, Symphony, Kohana and Zend in the past have been unable to deliver the expected results. That’s why CakePHP, since its inception has remained the best framework whose usability and reliability have been perfectly tested on various parameters to make the development process much easier.
The MVC feature makes CakePHP development most suitable framework for development. MVC has a literal meaning which means Model-View-Controller architecture.


It divides business logic from presentation and design. Since the inception of CakePHP in the year 2005, the use of this language has taken up a toll amongst the developers. To get the most apt solution for data based management issues, this framework can adjust easily itself to PHP 4 as well as PHP 5 versions.
Most importantly, you will be able to transfer and compress the vital data with an ease. CakePHP supports the efficient integration of all the languages which can further be instrumental in doing project oriented programming.
If you are thinking of getting your website developed on the most suitable framework then you should undoubtedly select CakePHP.
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