A preview of the New Twitter design

Written by: Muninder

Updated: September, 16, 2010

Few days back we alerted about the glitches twitter solving in terms of Twitter lists & Tweet counts. Though it managed to solve those glitches within a couple of days. It’s certainly aiming to be at par with Facebook. It was @ 13th Rank 3-4 months back in the Alexa rank, & now it is @ 12th rank.
With the increasing use of 3rd Party applications which run on Twitter’s API like TweetDeck, HootSuite5, CoTweet, etc.; Twitter is putting in all it’s efforts to regain people’s trust on the Twitter web version.
Worth Reading : Top 10 tips to enhance your Social Media Experience
With this new design it’s certainly going to achieve that as the new version looks quite promising & more importantly, IT IS promising. So lets take a look at what all new things have been incorporated in the new twitter design.
New Favicon & a redesigned Logo
Previously we used to have the ‘t’ in the favicon of Twitter. Now, it’s the  twitter bird which has replaced the ‘t’.  So a sort of rebranding of the Twitter logo has taken place. Also the logo which had a stroke effect around twitter is now a stroke less but filled with a whitish-grey gradient which gives it a shiny effect.
Minimalist Design
The new Twitter is focused on a minimalistic design which gives it a unique look. It has taken care of the arrangement of various information in a small space. The image I have inserted above is a smaller version (in terms of size). Take a look at the full version image of the new twitter design.
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Personally, I loved the new design. It’s way of arranging things impresses me. This time it has added special hover effects using the power of CSS & in some cases modern CSS codes like the text-shadow. If you’re using an older version of IE, then you may not be able to see those changes. It’s better you upgrade to IE9 as it’s released today.
Tweet Information
Now every tweet has a ‘more’ icon. On clicking it we would be able to see the Tweet information i.e. replies to that tweet, no. of RT’s it has received, it’s location & Search results of the hashtag it has (Only displayed if a hashtag is present in that tweet)
Infinite Scroll
Now forget the MORE button at the footer section of Twitter. It’s now replaced by Infinite Scrolling. Infinite Scrolling will scroll to the next page as soon as you approach the footer area. In other words, there is no footer section now. The links & copyright of Twitter have been shifted to the wider Sidebar.
Mini Profiles
Previously we had the Hovercards, which used to perform this function. Now it’s replaced by Mini Profiles. It loads the profile information as soon as you click on a profile link. This indeed saves a lot of time.
Also Read : Facebook unveils the Hovercards feature
To know more about these features, check out their official video from YouTube.

You can also follow them @twitter & catch the latest updates on the new twitter on their standalone page called New Twitter.
Note : The preview isn’t rolled out for everyone. (As reported by some users)
Do you think this “New Twitter” would leave behind the third-party apps & regain its control again ?
