5 Tips to Avoid Unwanted Distractions while Writing a Post

Written by: Muninder

Updated: March, 10, 2011

Just one day to go for the weekends to arrive. It’s really been a tiring week. The temperature has increased considerably & the sweat has again started to flow all over the body. But still I’m fit for blogging.
So, let’s start with today’s post, which is all about avoiding distractions while writing a post. Most of the bloggers get distracted while blogging.
Frankly Speaking, even I used to get distracted a lot, in the initial stages of my blogging career. It used to take me almost 2-3 hours for just writing a post completely (including formatting, corrections,etc.) With time I’ve learnt to avoid unwanted Distractions when I write a post.

Distractions while Writing a Post
Unwanted Distractions!

[Image Credit]

Distraction causes loss of concentration due to which you tend to forget to include some important points in your post. In order words you are not able to produce quality content. So what’s the use of spending so much time on a Single post ?
The only solution for this is to avoid distractions during your writing time.

1. Strictly Stay away from Social Media

Today, we are so much involved in Facebook & Twitter. I do not mean by any means that, Social Networking sites are time killers. They are useful to us in many ways like,

  • To know what is happening all around the globe.
  • To know what your friends are doing/saying.
  • To Promote your posts.

But everything in this world has pros and con’s. The main con of Social Media is that they pull you into a discussion or catch your attention when you are doing something really important.
So, the first step to avoid Distractions while writing a post is to stay really away from Social Media. Just close down any social site tab in your Browser or desktop application when you start writing.

2. Don’t Talk,Chat and Write Simultaneously

Avoid talking, chatting with your friends while you begin to write a post. I would suggest you to close down your chat windows when you begin to write your post. Make it a practise.
If your friends call in between & if the talk is just for time pass, then be brave to tell your friends that you’ll call and talk later.

3. Don’t take Long Breaks

If you are writing a really long post, then small breaks are certainly required. But you must make sure that these small breaks don’t turn into long breaks. It’s obvious that you take breaks in between to think on new ideas & to relax yourself.
But don’t go off to sleep saying that you’re relaxing yourself.

4. Avoid Watching TV, YouTube Videos and Movies

Some bloggers have a habit of watching TV Serials during Blogging. Believe me, Serials are Killers, specially when you’re writing a post.
Similarly avoid watching Videos on YouTube or movies on your pc. Just finish your post and then go and watch your favourite serial, movie.

5. Choose the Right Time

Time Management is what every blogger must learn right from the start. After all it’s an important benefit of blogging. So, you need to choose the right time for Blogging. Now, that depends on how your day goes. If you’ve more free time in the evening, then fix it.
Don’t keep on changing the time. Also, avoid writing in the afternoon (just after lunch) else you’ll end up sleeping till the Sunsets. Similarly don’t write at midnight. I know this time is the most suited for Entrepreneurs & Freelancers.
But you must understand that your body needs proper & adequate sleep.
These are the 5 tips which helped me to reduce the distractions while writing a post.
Do you get Distracted when you blog ? How do you counter/conquer it ?
