SE KeyRanker : Track Search Engine Ranking Position in WordPress

Written by: Muninder

Updated: April, 14, 2011

Finally, got to write a post after a week or so, thanks to all my Guest Posters who contributed some wonderful posts all this while. I hope you’ve checked March’s Traffic Stats. In that I’ve added a special paragraph for the Traffic Sources. If you take a closer look at it, you’ll find that almost 52% of the traffic comes from search engines.
Actually that number is quite less when compared to various other blogs in my niche. The reason for it is Keyword Research. Till last month I just used to write posts and publish it.
I never used to really concentrate on Keyword Research (i.e. using a tool like Google Keyword Research Tool). Meanwhile, take some time to read the basic SEO Tips you must follow on your site/blog.

SEO Tips :-

During an in-depth research I found that it was essential for me to do some Keyword Research before I post. So I followed that thing during the end phases of the previous month & got considerable amount of success with it.
That doesn’t mean all my earlier posts don’t bring in visitors from search engines. If they weren’t, then we would never have got such an awesome stat report.
Once you research for Keywords with low competition and high clicks, the next thing you want to see is how your post or blog ranks for those keywords. In technical terms it’s called Search Engine Ranking Position.
Most of us use Google Webmaster Tools, to track the Search Engine Ranking Position for Specific Keywords. GWT gives an extended report which includes the change in the ranking position, impressions received & clicks.
In Q3 of 2010, GWT introduced Keyword Variants which helps us to find, how many times we’ve used a particular keyword in our posts (i.e. Interlinking).

SE KeyRanker
First Number : Page of Google & Second Number : Position of your Blog

But what if you want to track the Search Engine Ranking position from WordPress Dashboard itself ? Well, you no longer need to worry about it; as SE KeyRanker will help you in tracking the ranking position for Specific Keywords.
Couple of days ago, in the official WordPress plugins Dashboard widget I saw SE KeyRanker in the newly released plugins category. The name got me interested and I checked it’s description in the WordPress Plugins Directory. Impressed with it’s working, I decided to give it a try.

Set the SE KeyRanker Localization Function

SE KeyRanker Localization
SE KeyRanker Localization (Configuration)

This plugin determines the ranking position based on the localization we set. So, if you want to track the Search Engine ranking position in Google India, then you must set the localization to The beauty of this plugin is that, it allows you to set multiple localizations.
So, go to WordPress Directory and download SE KeyRanker Plugin [LINK]. Check out both the images, in case you face any problems in configuring it. You are free to comment as well, if you’ve any doubts. Also, take a look at the Top 10 WordPress Plugins I use on DailyBlogging.
Do you use any other plugin which gives the same result (Alternative) ??
