3 Tips to Get Killer Blog Post Ideas

Written by: Muninder

Updated: March, 29, 2011

Sometimes it just becomes pretty much difficult for a blogger to generate quality content. The reason behind this is, that the blogger is not able to get killer blog post ideas.
If one doesn’t have new and unique ideas, then how can you expect him to convert it into a killer content which will bring in loads of organic traffic or social media referrals ?
If you blog without an idea in your mind, then stop blogging for god’s sake. Because blogging without an idea in the mind is just like walking continuously for hours and miles without even knowing the route.
If you aim to make a post a super duper hit, then always think before you blog. Now, what will you think about ? Is your brain filled with plenty of unique blog post ideas which can be simply converted into a killer post ? Obviously Not!.
There may be many reasons for not getting any killer blog post ideas viz – you’ve already posted a killer post, there is too much competition, etc.

killer blog post ideas
Get An Idea!

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Read :-

So today I will list out few Tips to get Killer Blog Post Ideas which will drive lots of quality traffic to your blog.

1. Read Blogs / Newspapers / Tech Magazines

Reading will always help you to get good blog post ideas. I know many bloggers who ignore Newspapers and just keep on reading blogs in their niche. Yes, reading blogs in your niche is definitely important to produce quality content.
But at the same time, you’ll need an alternate source of information too. For your information, I’ve written many posts after reading newspaper articles. And guess what, those posts brought in good amount of traffic from search engines too. Though I limit myself to reading only important parts (tech/gadgets/tutorials) of the Newspaper.
Similar is the advantage of reading tech magazines. These Tech Magazines contain certain information which is provided by the tech experts or the makers of the gadget. But make sure that you immediately start writing the post once you finish reading the tech magazine’s article.
Else, your competitors will overtake you & you’ll be left with a task to find another tech magazine and read it.

2. Watch YouTube ‘Question & Answers’ Videos

Well, there are many experts including Matt Cutts – who leads the Web Spam team of Google and is also regarded as the SEO guru; who give answers to specific questions thrown at them in a Question & Answers video.
Sometimes he answers 3-4 questions in a single Q & A video. Watching such Q & A videos will help you in writing some HowTo posts. The advantage of this method is that, your content won’t be regarded as a duplicate one.

3. Actively participate in Forums

Forums can certainly be a nice medium for blog post ideas. But the main thing is, you need to actively take part in it else you will be getting only out-dated ideas. Many users seek help, discuss about some new updates.
For Example : when the Google Farmer Update was under process, there was a lot of discussion on how to recover from it and stuff like that.
The good thing about forums is that, every time you don’t have to be the problem solver. There are other experts who help people to solve out their problems. All you’ve to do is to compile a quality content out of the whole discussion. Make sure that you give enough credits to the problem solver at the end of your post.
So I hope with these three points you’ll be able to come up with Killer blog post ideas and drive lots of traffic to your blog.
What are your ways to get Killer Blog Post Ideas ??
