3 Tips to Double your Blog Traffic

Written by: Muninder

Updated: April, 21, 2011

In Blogging, the most important thing is to keep Blogging and produce Killer Content from time to time. To do that you need to stick to the points mentioned in the 123s of Blogging.
Sometimes, as a blogger you feel the need to double your blog traffic. But, it’s not that easy to just double your blog traffic at will.
There are several methods with which you can attract more and more visitors to your blog. Those include – Blog Promotions, Paid Advertisements, Link Exchanges, Directory Submissions and many more.
But these methods just revolve around one important thing i.e. To let people know about your blog. The problem with some of those methods is that, a newbie blogger can’t really afford it. So, one has to look around for some free or at least low cost methods.
The solution is to just search inside yourself. A little effort from your end could not only double but also triple or quadruple your blog traffic. I will list out 3 Tips, which if you follow properly. can substantially increase your blog traffic.

Blog Traffic
x2 your Blog Traffic

[Image Credit]

Nothing can beat Quality and Consistent Writing

To double your blog traffic, quality content is pretty much needed. But you must remember that, you should be consistent in writing it down and publishing it. Also, don’t mess up your publishing timings. It’s essential to maintain a good post frequency to increase your blog traffic.
In case you want to change it, then make sure that you notify your readers before you implement the change. Write for the sake of helping others (Tech & other niche blogs) & expressing yourself (Personal Blogs).
If you are re-writing a HowTo post which is already on the net, then ensure that you craft it in such a way that the readers and search engines would find it completely unique.

Writing Tips :-

Heavy (+ Controlled) Social Media Promotions

Promoting your posts on Social Media sites like Facebook & Twitter is a common practice to increase your blog traffic. But to double your blog traffic, mere Social Media promotions isn’t enough.
You need to promote your posts very effectively in order to get the targeted traffic on that day. Of course you must schedule a large number of posts for promotions. But, make sure that the gap between two scheduled posts is at least 3-4 hours. Else, your followers or friends will get annoyed and unfollow or unfriend you.

Social Media Optimization :-

Set Small traffic targets

To achieve something big, you need concentrate on small things first. So, always set small targets which you think; you can easily manage to achieve. Keep your mind set for doubling your daily traffic.
Once you start doing that on a regular basis, then your monthly traffic will also double followed by the quarterly and yearly traffic. Everything depends on the way you think & look at things.
Remember one thing, you won’t fetch the desired results unless you put in your 100%. NEVER loose hope if you miss out on a few unique visits on a particular day. Work harder with the intension of compensating those lost unique visits the next day.

Have you ever tried to double your traffic ? If yes, which methods or checkpoints did you follow keeping the above 3 aside.
